Madanipour Law Group reached out to us because they were in need of a website. Apparently the first local web developer that built their site before us charged them a good amount, but then claimed the website was hacked shortly after it was completed and delivered. We immediately did a search for the website history and discovered that the website, in fact, was up for only a couple days and then disappeared. Without skipping a beat, we offered them a brand new landing page to start with since the conversions of a high-performance landing page are much higher than that of a website and because it was a fast solution. Although we do build high-performance websites that have very high conversions, we wanted them to have an online presence asap.


Based on our background as SEO’s we first decided to do a thorough keyword research and came up with the best keyword we could with the highest monthly volume locally that represented their brand. Then we chose sophisticated but different colors to enhance the design. We included a fresh new logo design custom created by our local design team and even custom wrote their biography based on research. We added call-to-action buttons all throughout the website and created a custom Facebook cover to match. MLG absolutely loved our design.age. Why did we not just add to her location, you might ask? It’s because this way her subdomain would be considered a different website; and thus with her location being different, Google would rank it higher~ this is why we did this


Shortly after we created the landing page, we also did a professional photoshoot for the law firm and the results of the photos were breathtaking… Fast forward, a few weeks later, we saw MLG

had posted a request for a social media manager in our private local business group. We immediately responded and started working with them. At first, we were planning on assisting them with video content; but then realized that their busy schedule as a highly sought out high-asset Orange County divorce attorney didn’t allow that. So, we opted for the custom posts and turnkey service option which allowed them to have their Facebook and Instagram run hands free and scheduled on their behalf. The results of our work can be shown in their testimonial here in response to our Thursday post of “It’s Thursday Referral Day! Put ur fav business in the comments!” Their response was: 

You!!!! Thank you for being my Instagram/social media marketer. I have increased my followers on divorce_ladyboss threefold and referrals from that have doubled. Thank you!

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